New Growth


'New Growth' is my first foray into working with matboard and cardboard framing with my plastic work. The matboard was sourced from a local frameshop as unused refuse. When they were reframing pieces or reusing frames, this perfectly good matboard was going to be trashed and they wanted to see it used for better goals. I stretched the textural plastic around the back of the mattboard, and used hot glue to secure the cardboard framing. There is string hot glued on the back and I'd consider this work 100% ready to hang.

With the resemblance to traditional painting/2-D art, I wanted to play with those traditions by making my plastic work very textural and pop out of the frame. I fused it as minimally as possible to secure the plastic and imagined it as a topographical view of a windy river that had doubled back on itself somewhere outside the image frame.

15"X14" Wall Art